Horrendous Disco

Terry Scott Taylor

The Swirling Eddies

The Lost Dogs

The Seventy Sevens

Mike Roe

Welcome to 

The Great Big 

Vintage Swirling Mutt

Your source for vintage Daniel Amos, Terry Taylor, Swirling Eddies, and all the Lost Dogs

{NOTICE:  This web site really isn't open yet.  It is a work in progress.  I'll make some sort of announcement, and all that, when I'm ready to actually open it.  You are WELCOME to browse around and look at things - and email me and tell me what you think, offer suggestions, and so on.  Send comments to basil at (you know "@") blarg.net.  }

This web site is dedicated to the artistic and creative work of Terry Scott Taylor and friends...

Cheap Religious Nick Nacks   (also known as "The Store")

Daniel Amos (DA)

Terry Scott Taylor   (also known as "Camirillo Eddie", "Dr. Edward Daniel Taylor")

The Swirling Eddies   (also known as "The Band that Won't Go Away")

The Lost Dogs

The Seventy Sevens

Mike Roe

The Choir

Adam Again

"I Didn't Build it For Me!"  
(also known as "The 'About' Page")

When we have them, you may purchase vintage works by several of these groups in the